Product Details
1-2-1 How to Wet Clean you Sensor
1 Hour 1-2-1 Training Session on How to Wet Clean Your Sensor
This 1-hour course is a follow on to the dry-cleaning course and is undertaken when dealing with contamination that cannot be eradicated with a filtered blower.
We will also cover importance of using the correct cleaning tools including the following:
- Illuminated sensor loupe
- Sensor cleaning swabs
- Sensor cleaning fluid (All these items are available for purchase from our online / in-store shop)
- How to undertake a test shot to determine if your sensor is contaminated.
- Applying the correct amount of fluid to the swab and why this is important.
- Undertaking a further test shot to confirm the sensor is clean
- Creation of a Dust delete data reference (Canon) Dust off reference (Nikon) and the importance of performing this task.