Praying the Nicene Creed

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Product Details

Praying the Nicene Creed: I Believe in One God - James Matthew Wilson

The Nicene Creed is a succinct recitation of the core tenets of the Catholic Faith, opening with a declaration of belief in one God who made the heavens and the earth and concluding with sure hope for the resurrection of the body and eternal life with God. In between, the Creed articulates Catholic doctrine about the Trinity, the Incarnation, the Pascal Mystery, and the apostolic nature and sacramental life of the Church. Despite this richness, the Nicene Creed is a prayer many struggle to recite with the same depth of devotion as the other ancient prayers of the Church.

In this book, poet, critic and scholar James Matthew Wilson considers each line of the Nicene Creed in turn, showing through stories, images and recollections that, far from being a dry, clinical formulation of the Faith, this prayer describes the living theological reality that is at the heart of personal devotion.
